Workstations Allow for Continuous Control of Cell Culture Processes

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Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmaceutical Technology-11-02-2016, Volume 40, Issue 11

The InvivO2 workstations range from Baker Ruskinn allow researchers to conduct cell culture processes under a continuously controlled, physiologically relevant atmosphere.

The InvivO2 workstations range from Baker Ruskinn allow researchers to conduct cell culture processes under a continuously controlled, physiologically relevant atmosphere. The workstations control temperature, carbon dioxide, humidity, and oxygen, all of which are critical for cell growth. The new range of workstations have three new models that include a modular design and removable front cover. The workstations also include a direct-hand access sleeve port system, a single-plate entry system for instant insertion or removal of plates, a 60-second purge cycle time, and internal HEPA filtration. The incorporated ICONIC gas mixing technology saves on bench space and delivers precision control over oxygen levels, using up to 40% less nitrogen than previous gas mixing technology, making it flexible for laboratories.

Baker Ruskinn