Federico Colombari is Quality Risk Management Specialist at Roche.
September 07, 2022
A Post Approval Change (PAC) to replace identity (ID) testing of incoming liquid drug substance with ID by visual inspection is considered a low risk provided questioned listed in this example have been answered favorably. In that case the PAC can be downgraded from a prior approval to a notification to health authorities, and managed in the PQS with immediate implementation effect.
September 01, 2022
A Post Approval Change (PAC) in size of thermal shipping solution used for transport of product is considered a low risk provided it has been qualified and temperature monitored, and therefore can be downgraded from a prior approval to a notification to health authorities, and managed in the PQS with immediate implementation effect.
August 24, 2022
Addition of a testing lab to an existing testing site as a Post Approval Change (PAC) is considered low risk when there is no change to testing procedure, specifications, equipment, and the additional lab is already approved by health authorities for other testing activities. Such PACs should be managed in the Pharmaceutical Quality System (PQS) only rather than requiring prior approval.