February 01, 2008
A possible recession in the US and a global credit crunch are going to be major factors in the amount of money available as shareholders tighten their purse-strings.
January 01, 2008
As the saying goes, actions speak louder than words, and I hope the features in this month's magazine provide you with examples of how others in the industry are playing their role in a greener future.
December 01, 2007
And so another year has passed; it seems that once you've reached the age of 30, your life accelerates at a very unnerving pace. Marriage, houses, kids ... they hit you all of a sudden and before you know it, you're reminiscing about your days at university - which of course, are now just a distant memory.
November 01, 2007
Some people claim the statins are so effective and that their cholesterol has dropped to a point where they can "supersize" their burger and chips every time they visit a fast food outlet
November 01, 2006
While e-mail is quick and convenient, it's too easy to hide behind and, ultimately, faceless.
September 01, 2006
It's been a while since I last wrote my last editor's comment - a combination, during the last few months, of attending a variety of industry events (as the conference and exhibition season peaked before the summer) and being on holiday. I apologize for the poor excuses, but it's certainly better than saying the dog ate my homework.