FDA to Observe 2020 Rare Disease Day

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FDA will observe Rare Disease Day on Feb. 29, 2020, with events surrounding the day’s 2020 theme, “Reframe Rare for Rare Disease Day.”

FDA will observe Rare Disease Day on Feb. 29, 2020, with events surrounding the day’s 2020 theme, “Reframe Rare for Rare Disease Day.”

Starting on Feb. 5, 2020, FDA has hosted the Beyond the Diagnosis Art Exhibit, a showcase of portraits of children with rare diseases, as part of Rare Disease Day, according to FDA’s website. The exhibit, which has traveled throughout the United States to various medical schools, research institutes, and hospitals, encourages attendees to look "beyond the diagnoses" of patients.

Additionally, on Feb. 24, FDA will host a public meeting where it will gather stakeholder’s opinions on rare disease product development and will work to pinpoint commonalities that support rare disease product development, according to the website. Portraits from the Beyond the Diagnosis Art Exhibit will be displayed during the meeting.


Source: FDA