Roche and Aspen Agree to Produce Influenza Antiviral for Africa


Roche (Basel, Switzerland) has entered into a nonexclusive agreement with Aspen Pharmacare (Port Elizabeth, South Africa) to speed up production and supply of a generic version of oseltamivir ("Tamiflu") for Africa.

Roche (Basel, Switzerland,  entered into a nonexclusiveagreement with Aspen Pharmacare (Port Elizabeth, South Africa, speed up production and supply of a generic version of oseltamivir("Tamiflu") for Africa. The partnership is part of Roche's continuedefforts to boost availability of the antiviral to combat influenzaworldwide and prepare for an influenza pandemic.

In addition to providing the active pharmaceutical ingredient, Rochewill lend its technical expertise to assist Aspen in the manufactureand registration processes.

Roche already is working with other third parties to increase theproduction of its Tamiflu neuraminidase blocker and claims to be in theposition to manufacture 400 million treatments annually by the end ofthis year. The company also reports to be on schedule for meeting allorders from African governments by early 2007.

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