The National Sanitation Foundation International (NSF), an accredited, third-party certification body that tests and certifies products to verify that they meet public health and safety standards, collaborated with Accugenix in a blinded study that compared the performance of AccuPRO-ID (MALDI-TOF + 16S rDNA) against the Biolog GEN II phenotypic system.
AccuPRO-ID® service update A Technical Note comparing the accuracy of AccuPRO-ID (MALDI-TOF backed by 16S DNA sequencing) performance versus Biolog.
The National Sanitation Foundation International (NSF), an accredited, third-party certification body that tests and certifies products to verify that they meet public health and safety standards, collaborated with Accugenix in a blinded study that compared the performance of AccuPRO-ID (MALDI-TOF + 16S rDNA) against the Biolog GEN II phenotypic system. Investigating the microbial diversity in the general household, 340 bacterial isolates from 30 "high touch" locations around the home from 17 households were obtained and tested. The accuracy of AccuPRO-ID and the Biolog GEN II Microplates were compared against the results from AccuGENX-ID.
Of the 340 isolates characterized, 16S sequencing was able to provide a genus or species level identification for 97.9% of the samples. One sample was identified to the family level. While sequencing identified approximately 98% of the isolates, the performance or reported-out rate for MALDI-TOF was 58%, AccuPRO-ID was 100% while the Biolog GEN II Microplates identified just 34% of the isolates. When using a MALDI-TOF identification system, there are different reasons for the failure to produce an identification. A “No ID” result can occur due to the spectra not meeting a quality threshold, the lack of reference spectra in the library or because the sample was too old and failed to grow upon subculture. It is because of these instances that we adopted a polyphasic approach for our AccuPRO-ID service. All isolates yielding a No ID are subjected to AccuGENX-ID at no additional charge to provide an identification. Lack of an identification when using the Biolog system (66%) can occur when the results of the biochemical tests are ambiguous and lead to conflicting or low probability options or, more frequently, because the organism in question is not in the library.
Download the complete study: Microbial Hotspots and Diversity in Common Household Surfaces. Click here
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Contact Info: Christian Scheuermann
Accugenix, GmbH
+49 (0)931 45 799800
Ulrich Herber, Ph.D., Managing Director, GmbH
Accugenix, GmbH
+49 (0)621 3709 556
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