EC Plans Directive on GMPs for Excipients

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ePT--the Electronic Newsletter of Pharmaceutical Technology

Brussels, Belgium (Mar. 22)-The European Commission?s (EC) Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry (Brussels, Belgium) is asking manufacturers, distributors, and users of human-pharmaceutical excipients to participate in an online questionnaire on the effect of various policy options. Responses will be used to prepare a directive on good manufacturing practices (GMPs) for certain excipients.

Brussels, Belgium (Mar. 22)-The European Commission’s (EC) Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry (Brussels, Belgium, is asking manufacturers, distributors, and users of human-pharmaceutical excipients to participate in an online questionnaire on the effect of various policy options. Responses will be used to prepare a directive on good manufacturing practices (GMPs) for certain excipients.

DG Enterprise and Industry will share the results of the questionnaire with Europe Economics (London, UK,, an external contractor, for analysis. The results will then be written in a report, with parts made available to the public. The report will not reveal information that will allow retrieval of company-specific data.

A draft entitled “Specific Conditions of the Application of the Principles and Guidelines of GMP for Certain Excipients” is planned for publication as a possible basis for the GMP directive.


The questionnaire should be completed by July 30, 2007 and can be accessed by visiting