FDA Opens Mexico City Office

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ePT--the Electronic Newsletter of Pharmaceutical Technology

The US Food and Drug Administration opened another foreign office, this time in Mexico City.

The US Food and Drug Administration opened another foreign office on Dec. 15, 2009, this time in Mexico City. The new post marks the agency’s third location in Latin America and its tenth international office to open during the past 13 months, according to an FDA press release.

“The opening of this office represents an important step as we redesign our product safety strategy,” said FDA Commissioner Margaret A. Hamburg, in the release. Mexico City employees will work with their Mexican government counterparts to harmonize regulations and develop other collaborative initiatives such as information sharing.

“FDA staff will work with industry in Mexico as well,” said Murray M. Lumpkin, deputy commissioner for international programs in the release. “Their activities will include providing technical advice and working with government agencies and the private sector to develop certification programs.”


Other FDA international posts are in China, India, Europe, and Latin America. Other Latin American offices are located in Santiago, Chile, and San José, Costa Rica.

See related article, “HHS to Open Offices Abroad, Starting with China.”