
Published on: membership reads like an Industry's who's who. CEOs, CIOs and other senior executives from leading organizations are just two clicks away. is the only business networking tool to combine quick and secure video calling, instant messaging, e-mail and SMS between executive members on one, simple interface.

The Pharmaceutical Industry have been targeted by the online Financial Community MeettheBoss.

MeettheBoss, originally focused on the financial services sector, has launched a new section dedicated to the Pharmaceutical Industry. The secure platform that MeettheBoss provided for the finance executives allowed them to communicate openly, free from vendors and the media. Over 40,000 members currently network on the site, all of them protected by the secure walls that surround the MeettheBoss site.

The economic crisis - now affecting the other industries, with the Pharmaceutical Companies being one of the major victims.MeettheBoss has now created the same tool, focusing now on the pharmaceutical executives. Already the new section has over 21,000 members from companies such as Pfizer, Novartis and GSK. The executives are using tools on the site such as IMS, SMS and free video conferencing to connect with their peers to discuss the major issues.


The site accepts new members that not only take value from the site, but give value back. Membership approval is manual - each place is obtained through invitation or application only. has become the executive choice worldwide, as it is a lot more than an online social network. Business leaders are discussing the major issues facing the pharmaceutical industry at the moment.

"Executives are choosing because of the direct value it brings to them, we control every applicant. The network will be monitored allowing our executive members freedom to discuss contentious issues in a secure environment" - Spencer Green – Chairman GDS International (Parent Company of and