The New HygroGen2 Calibrator


The HygroGen2 is a self-contained transportable humidity and temperature calibrator that enables users and calibration engineers to accurately and rapidly calibrate any type of humidity instrument.

The HygroGen2 is a self-contained transportable humidity and temperature calibrator that enables users and calibration engineers to accurately and rapidly calibrate any type of humidity instrument. The launch of the second generation Airchip3000 based calibrator takes transportable humidity calibration to a new level of performance and ease of use.

HygroGen2 is a transportable humidity and temperature generator suitable for calibrating up to five RH instruments simultaneously over 0...60°C and 5...95%rh ranges.

HygroGen2 is completely stand alone, needing only external power to run. It's control stability is better than 0.05°C and 0.1%rh, providing users with stable conditions to calibrate any type of RH instrument.

Highlights at a glance:

  • Integrated touch screen controller and user interface
  • USB hub for connecting probes under test
  • Standard heated external sample connection points
  • Programmer function for automated calibration sequences
  • Integrated digital water level monitoring
  • UV water steriliser
  • Integrated dry cell condition monitoring
  • Integrated HW4 calibration and logging software

Detailed information on the HygroGen2 is available from or by telephone on +41 44 838 11 44.

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