In the first episode of Pharma Unplugged we take a look at the recent FDA hearing on social media and what it means for the drug industry.
A Link Apart : FDA Social Media Hearing
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(Nov 23, 2009) Think you’ve heard enough about the FDA Social Media Hearing held earlier this month. Granted, the gaggle of general and industry coverage was way more than one person can digest. So we asked four experts who spoke at the hearings to sit down with us and debate the issues. With so much at stake and so little clarity, we hope this hour long panel interview will help you figure out what it all means to you and your business.
George Koroneos, Online/News Editor: Pharmaceutical Executive
Fabio Gratton, founder, Ignite Health
Fard Johnmar, founder, Envision Solutions
Bruce Grant, SVP, Business Strategy, Digitas Health
Bill Drummy, founder and CEO, Heartbeat Digital