Pharmaceutical Technology-02-02-2016

Pharmaceutical Technology

Innovating for Innovation

February 02, 2016

From The Editor



Suppliers must develop new technologies to drive the bio/pharma innovation engine.

Macro Matters

February 02, 2016

Outsourcing Outlook



Heightened global uncertainty could slow bio/pharma development activity.Bio/pharmaceutical companies, and the companies that serve them, tend to think they are immune from broader macroeconomic and political developments. As populations age, emerging middle classes expand, and scientific knowledge progresses, research on new drugs and demand for new therapies seem to follow an inexorably upward trend.

Innovative Therapies Require Modern Manufacturing Systems

February 02, 2016

Regulatory Watch



FDA and industry see progress and challenges in bringing cutting-edge medicines to patients.

Creating Robust CAPA Systems

February 02, 2016

Ask the Expert



Susan Schniepp, distinguished fellow, and Andrew Harrison, chief regulatory affairs officer and general counsel, both of Regulatory Compliance Associates, discuss how to create a robust CAPA system and how to identify root cause.

Pharmaceutical Technology, February 2016 Issue (PDF)

February 02, 2016

Issue PDF



Click the title above to open the Pharmaceutical Technology February 2016 issue in an interactive PDF format.

Vacuum De-aeration Apparatus

February 01, 2016

Product Spotlight



The Vacuum De-aeration Apparatus from Copley Scientific is used in semisolid pharmaceutical testing for de-gassing the medium used in vertical diffusion cells (VDCs) to measure the drug release profile of semisolid products.

Sleeve Protector

February 01, 2016

Product Spotlight



The Kimtech Pure A4 Sleeve Protector from Kimberly-Clark Professional features barrier protection that shields workers and the garment from hazardous chemicals and biologics.

EMA Outlines Network Strategy for Next Five Years

February 01, 2016

Regulatory Watch



The EU’s key objectives include improving medicines access, tackling drug shortages, and increasing administrative efficiency in its regulatory framework.

Error Assessment of Drug Concentration in Multicomponent Pharmaceutical Mixtures

February 01, 2016

Peer Reviewed



A novel method, based on differential calculus, was used to calculate the maximum potential error associated with the drug concentration in pharmaceutical mixtures composed of an infinite number of ingredients measured on an infinite number of balances with different sensitivities. The method was further applied to calculate the ingredients’ least allowable quantities. This approach ensures that the pharmaceutical formulation is prepared within a given maximum permissible error in drug dose.