B. Braun OEM is your ideal partner to provide you with standard products or products with modified characteristics assembled in customized drug application kits.
B. Braun Melsungen AG – Kit Packing
To avoid medication errors, application sets become more and more important for the pharmaceutical industry. These sets help to guarantee a safe and exact drug application.
B. Braun OEM offers a flexible tailor-made solution to market your products in a ready-to-use package. Thanks to our wide range of products and services, B. Braun OEM is your ideal partner to provide you with standard products or products with modified characteristics assembled in customized kits. Based on your drug we can offer you all disposable items which are required for a certain procedure. Your possibilities are nearly endless. We also cover registration issues on the basis of your indications (e.g. labeling, instructions for use, documents, registration).
Visit our booth 1H19 at the ICSE in Paris and learn more about how we design, combine and produce customized kits for dozens of applications.
Or visit www.kitpacking-bbraun.com and virtually create your customized kit in only 4 steps. You choose the components, that fit your drug and the specific market requirements. Based on your demand, we will tailor a product and service package for you.
We accompany you from your first idea to your individual kit.
B. Braun Melsungen AG
OEM Division Europe
Carl-Braun-Straße 1
34212 Melsungen
Phone: +49 5661 71-0
Fax: +49 5661 71-3562